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Dante Alighieri Society Blog

JocelynBThis past summer spent in Florence, Italy, was eye-opening and inspiring. I am grateful for your support and the scholarship as it allowed me to visit Italy and have a once-in-a-lifetime experience. With Lorenzo de' Medici, I was able to take an Italy language course and take field trips around the city to get to know Florence better. Through these field trips and walks around the city, I was able to admire the architecture and appreciate the history of Florence and Italy. It was inspiring how history is treasured and how in Florence you get to see a perfect blend of historical and modern aspects that make Florence a uniquely beautiful place.

Being in Italy and studying Italian, gave me the additional opportunity to immerse myself with the Italian culture and traditions. I was able to explore not only Florence but also different parts of Italy. With this scholarship, I had the opportunity to visit Rome, The Vatican City, Verona, and various parts of the Tuscany Region. Being in Italy, you feel the magic that surrounds the people, the lively culture and environment, and their extraordinary cuisine. The passion of Italians is felt throughout the country. While I was nervous to be in another country and to speak Italian with locals, Italy welcomed me with open arms. I was able to practice my Italian with the locals, which allowed me to grow as an Italian student. I also grew as a person since I did a lot of solo traveling and explored many places. Overall, my experience was amazing, and it gave me many memories that I will cherish and remember for a long time. It is difficult to find the words that capture the meaning of this experience and the impact that the Giulio Marcantonio Memorial Scholarship had on my experience but thank you so much!

~ Jocelyn B. |  Undergraduate Student - Scholarship Recipient