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Italian Language Classes

Italian Language Classes

languageAre you planning a trip to Italy, or just dreaming about one?  Do you enjoy Italian films or the opera?  If so, you can learn to speak Italian, “la bella lingua.”

The Dante Alighieri Society offers high quality instruction in the Italian language for adults, in a fun and friendly environment.  Small language classes are taught by experienced, professional bilingual teachers.  Classes are offered in ten-week sessions during the winter, spring, summer and fall.

Cost: Members - $130 / Non-Members - $160

Students are eligible for the member rate if they join the Society at the same time that they register for class. The class registration form also serves as the membership form. New students should pay their annual (calendar year) membership fee and the class registration fee at the same time.

Students should purchase required textbooks prior to their first class,
using the links at the bottom of this page.

Spring 2025 Dante Alighieri Italian Classes

Registration for the Spring Session starts on March 17th.

Where: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
 3549 Navajo Street, Denver, CO
                  (in the Servite Hall)

Note: If classes are in a different location, the actual location will be listed below.

Registration Starts: March 17, 2025
Registration Deadline: March 30, 2025
Classes Start: March 31, 2025
Class Size:
 12 Students. Students are enrolled in the order that they register and pay for the class.

Your registration is not complete until payment is received by the Dante Alighieri Society.

Refund Policy: Refunds will be made prior to the second class, with an administrative fee of $10. No refunds will be made after the second class.


Classes meet for 90 minutes, once per week for 10 weeks.

Introduction to Italian 1
This class is for students who have no knowledge of the Italian language. This class will teach them to communicate in simple everyday situations. Units 1 and 2 of the book will be covered.
Required Textbook: The New Italian Project 1a

Tuesday 6-7:30pm (CLASS FULL)
Instructor: Jim Brunetti

Wednesday 10-11:30am (Zoom) (CLASS FULL)
Instructor: Jessica Deal

Wednesday 12:30-2pm
Instructor: Andrea Zanon

Wednesday 7:30 - 9pm
Instructor Maria Clucas
LOCATION: 4625  West 50th Ave. Denver, CO 80212)

Wednesday 7:30-9pm (Zoom)
Instructor: Mario Righi

Thursday 1:30-3pm (Zoom)
Instructor: Jessica Deal

Introduction to Italian 2
This class will require a rudimentary knowledge of the Italian language. It will strive to make students comfortable with simple Italian conversation. Units 3 of the book will be covered.
Required textbook: The New Italian Project 1a

Tuesday 7:30 - 9pm
Instructor: Jim Brunetti

Tuesday 1:30-3pm (Zoom)
Instructor: Jessica Deal

Wednesday 9:30 – 11am
Instructor: Andrea Zanon

Thursday 7 – 8:30pm (Zoom)
Instructor: Andrea Zanon

Thursday 6 – 7:30pm (Zoom)
Instructor: Mario Righi

Introduction to Italian 3
This more advanced class will require students to be more comfortable with grammar and vocabulary reflected in more advanced conversation. Units 3 and 4 will be covered.
Required textbook: The New Italian Project 1a

Monday 7:30 - 9pm
Instructor Jim Brunetti

Wednesday 11 - 12:30pm
Instructor Andrea Zanon

Wednesday 6 - 7:30pm
Instructor Maria Clucas
LOCATION: 4625 W. 50th Ave. Denver, CO 80212

Thursday 7:30 - 9pm (Zoom)
Instructor Jessica Deal

Introduction to Italian 4
Students in this class are expected to have a thorough knowledge of vocabulary in unit 4 and ready to tackle unit 5.
Required Textbook: The New Italian Project 1a

Monday 6 - 7:30pm
Instructor: Jim Brunetti

Monday 6 - 7:30pm (Zoom)
Instructor: Andrea Zanon

Wednesday 7:30 - 9pm
Instructor: David Tasker

Wednesday 7:30 - 9pm
Instructor: Jim Brunetti

Introduction to Italian 5
Students will be working with conversation and vocabulary including unit 5 and will start working in book 1b, Units 6 and 7.
Required Textbooks: The New Italian Project books 1a & 1b

Wednesday 6 - 7:30pm
Instructor: David Tasker

Intermediate Italian
Students will be asked questions in Italian and will be expected to understand and answer in Italian as this class will focus on conversation. Units 8, 9, 10, and 11 will be studied.
Required Textbook: The New Italian Project 1b

Wednesday 6 - 7:30pm
Instructor: Jim Brunetti

Thursday 6 - 7:30pm
Instructor: Jim Brunetti

Advanced Italian 1
This class is for students who feel at ease reading and conversing in Italian.
Required Textbook: The Italian Project 2A

Thursday 7:30 – 9pm
Instructor: Jim Brunetti

Advanced Italian 2
This class will stress conversation on any number of topics and will prepare students for an extended trip to Italy.
Required Textbook: La nuova prova Orale 1

Monday 7:30 – 9pm (Zoom)
Instructor: Andrea Zanon

Italian Conversation

This class is open to any student enrolled in our school wishing to test his or her skills and prepare for a trip to Italy.
It will meet once / a week in the home of our native Instructor Maria Clucas at 4625 W. 50th Ave. Denver, CO 80212 on Tuesdays at 6:30-8. From April 1st to May 6th. There will be a separate fee of $60 when you are accepted.
Each week you need to advise Anne Cucchi via text (303-884-6545 if you plan to attend.
Required Textbook: Conversational Italian in 7 Days by Baldwin and Boas

This is a pilot program with only a small number of students