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About the Dante Alighieri Society of Denver

La Società Dante Alighieri, fondata a Roma nel 1889, diffonde la lingua e la cultura italiana nel mondo, fra tutti gli stranieri che guardano con affetto e si interessano ai valori antichi e nuovi della nostra civiltà, e tra le collettività dei lavoratori italiani all’estero, che desiderano mantenere vivi i legami con la madre patria.

Possono far parte della “Dante Alighieri” tutte le persone indipendentemente da ogni nazionalità, confessione religiosa o politica, che accettano il suo Statuto e partecipano all’opera civile e pacifica svolta dalla Società nel mondo.

From Italy...

about italy danteSome of the most distinguished literary figures of the 19th century founded the Dante Alighieri Society in 1889 in Rome to perpetuate the accomplishments of Dante and his sense of Italian style. Soon after, chapters began springing up in all parts of the world where Italian communities were growing. There are 482 chapters worldwide which promote the understanding and appreciation of Italy’s contributions to civilization from medieval times to the present. Denver

denver skylineIn the fall of 1985, a group of Denver-area people under the leadership of Giulio Marcantonio, formed the Dante Alighieri Society of Denver that would reach out to the community to share a variety of programs. Membership in the Dante Alighieri Society is open to anyone with an interest in Italy, its culture or lifestyle.


The Dante Alighieri Society of Denver exists to share and celebrate the richness of Italian culture and language with the entire community. Since its founding in 1985, the non-profit Society continues to provide the essence of Italian life and culture for the entire community, thereby enriching Colorado with even more zest and vitality.

The Society underwrites cultural and entertainment programs for the Denver area, striving to appeal to a broad range of interests. The Society also offers high quality instruction of the Italian language for adults.



Since 1985, the Society has awarded more than $400,000 of academic and music scholarships to numerous college students. We also have provided financial support for the teaching of Italian at metro area schools and initiated the teaching of Italian at Metropolitan State University of Denver.

Cultural and entertainment programs

The Society offers programs throughout the year to share the riches of Italian culture. We have hosted a large number of musicians, dancers, and performers from different regions of Italy, as well as local artists and scholars. These programs have included:

  • Choir appearances: Coro 7 Laghi from Varese, Chorus Ursicinensis from Genova, Coro Monte Pizzo from Lizzano in Belvedere, and Coro ANA Roma from Rome.
  • Folk dancers: Gruppo Folkloristico Caprivese from Capriva del Friuli, Gruppo Folkloristico Val d'Akragas from Agrigento, and Vivitalia Festival from various regions of Italy.
  • Operatic recitals: Soprano Beverly Christiansen Fernarld of Denver, Soprano Angela Papale and pianist Fabio Marra from Palermo, Tenor Alessandro Nocera and piano duet Maria Zappala' and Rosario Pavone from Catania, Mezzo Soprano Jennifer DeDominici from Denver.
  • Instrumental performances: Roberto Ferraresi (guitar) from Ferrara, Quintetto a fiati italiano from Alto Ticino, Pagni-Mariotti duo (piano and flute) from Pesaro, Orchestra a Plettro Gino Neri (a 55-piece mandolin ensenble) from Ferrara, Luigi Calabria (piano) from Rome, and a recital to benefit the restoration of "La Fenice" opera house in Venice with Rosanna Patrona-Aurand (piano), Ignace Jang (violin), and Evan Orman (cello).

The Society has also presented:

  • Symposia about Italian life
  • Italian films, classic and contemporary
  • Visits to museums for Italian-themed exhibits
  • Bocce and golf tournaments
  • Carnevale celebrations (Italian Mardi Gras)
  • Culinary classes
  • Italian Heritage Month