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Dante Alighieri Society Blog

Travel Reflections: Milano, Italy

What experience was the most memorable?

rolling2I think my memory is highly activated by surprise! The surprising thing to me is the level of surprise my heart was unprepared for in the moments of unexpected beauty.

As I was fully expecting to be surrounded by beauty, I was dumbstruck by my response to the spires of the Duomo in Milano, the pink and yellow fisherman dwellings tightly nestled in the cliffs overlooking the Mediterranean sea, the feeling of the sea breeze on the balcony overlooking the wine dark sea with white moored boats and millions of stars overhead at 2:00 a.m., the view through the treelined roads atop the walled cities, the settling fog in the crevasses of the pink and purple rolling tuscan hills, the ceilings, frescos and painting in the churches, the seismic monoliths of the pantheon and plaster renderings of sculptures in an historic art studio turned coffee shop. These are the indelible impressions that I would quantify as "most memorable".

churchThat said, it is hard to forget learning to navigate the train system and its propensity to suddenly stop at length or the serendipitous surprise of fashion week in the streets of Milan. Italy is a feast for the eyes and a hammock for the heart!

What experience was the most fun?

The buoyancy of arriving and traveling in Italy made the entire trip fun in that it was an adventure with all the unexpected and serendipitous moments that accompany the unknown. My "most fun" moments invariably are associated with the people. Some of these were:

    1. Being greeted by our first airbnb host with an array of homemade bakery goods fit for a queen and enough for her entire entourage! Our host delighted us with stories of her grandfather's building of the home that we stayed and shared that she too was an architect that just happened to love to cook!
    2. Meeting other travelers along the way by trail and train that animatedly shared their travel experiences, dreams and best of lists while dreamily soaking in the same view we were there to see in a moment of human connection and awe.
    3. Gathering with a handful of internationals at a wine tasting in Lucca and sharing our common enthusiasm for wine, Italy and love of meeting others to discuss our world views, cultures and adventures.
    4. dwellingsMeeting the proprietors of small shops in ancient hill towns to learn of their or their family's trade and how they have risen to places unexpected through the sharing of tourists who ultimately bring them "fame" (a spot in a magazine or gallery abroad).
    5. Delivering a kiss to a shop keeper in exchange for the use of his church key to open my beer. :)
    6. Sharing dinner and wine with the gentleman at the table adjacent to ours in the most spectacular of outdoor restaurants in the winding streets of Rome's off beat neighborhoods and enjoying their company, food and laughter!

This blog was written by Peg M. and reflects Peg's unique experience while in Milano, Italy.