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March 2024



I recently attended a gathering of leaders from several Denver area Italian organizations. The purpose of the meeting was to compile a calendar of each group’s activities, meetings, etc. to share with the entire Italian community. From talking to those at the meeting, it was clear that almost every organization is struggling to attract and retain new members, especially those who might be interested in taking on leadership roles. Not surprisingly, there was the acknowledgment that we can no longer remain in our respective silos but must begin to work together if we are going to continue our roles. In this issue of the Notiziario, you will find the calendar that was created that evening (see page 7). We will post the updated calendar monthly to keep you informed of not only what’s happening in the Dante Alighieri Society but what other clubs are doing. Promoting any and all activities will hopefully spark new interest in our common goal, as our Dante Alighieri Society Mission Statement says, “to share and celebrate the richness of the Italian culture and language with the entire community”.

Grazie, John Giardino.

MARCH CULTURAL PROGRAM: Reconstructing Lives:  A Simplified Approach to Recording Family History

On Friday, March 8, 7:30 pm, Alisa DiGiacomo, Senior Curator Emeritus, History Colorado, will offer an introduction to basic genealogy research methods and how to piece together a life story from family heirlooms and what you can discover in the exploration of your family history.  Often families are overwhelmed by the idea of researching and documenting their heritage.  Stacks of photos, documents and personal items can be intimidating.  Curiosity can lead to a loss of momentum when one realizes how much there is to do when reconstructing and recording the lives of ancestors and loved ones.  If you can relate or are interested in learning more about preserving family legacy, join us for this informative presentation.

Refreshments and social hour will follow

LOCATION:  Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church Parish Hall.
ADDRESS:  3549 Navajo Street, Denver.

MARCH 8: International Women's Day 2024 campaign theme is “Inspire Inclusion"

When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world.

And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment.

In Italy March 8 is referred to as “La Festa della Donna” and the mimosa has been a symbol of the women’s movement since the 1940s and represents solidarity and resistance.  (International Women’s Day)

The IABA (Italian American Business Association): Let's honor Italian Americans in Colorado!

We are pleased to announce that the Dante Alighieri Society of Denver will be partnering with the Italian American Business Association to present the Bravo! Awards & Gala on March 9th.   Be sure to purchase tickets to attend the event to cheer on your nominees and celebrate our Italian American community!

Please join our Emcee Jerry Caruso as we celebrate the Italian American community with a Red Carpet Welcome, Cocktail Hour with Beer and Wine included, Bravo! Raffle, Delicious Dinner, Bravo! Awards and Dancing to Funk Knuf Band!  .Individual Ticket $50, Sponsor a Table (8 tickets) $350.

For more details see


This year a St. Joseph's dinner will be held in the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Hall on March 16, 2024 from 3:00-6:00 p.m.   A free-will donation for the poor will be accepted.  If you would like to volunteer for the St. Joseph's dinner by baking cookies and/or helping to serve the dinner, please contact Barb Pietrafeso at 303-358-5708.

Here's a brief history of St. Joseph's Table:  The St. Joseph's Altar is a Sicilian tradition dating back to the Middle Ages.  During a lengthy famine, the community prayed to St. Joseph to intercede for them.  Their prayers were answered as a rain filled the dry wells and streams and gave birth to crops.  These poor farmers and fishermen wanted to pay homage to St. Joseph for answering their prayers.  An altar was constructed and precious foods that were common to them became elaborately decorated feasts.

Here in Denver, the tradition was celebrated for the first time in 1977 in the home of Mary and Al Rotola.  The following year, the St. Joseph's Table was held for the first time at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church in Denver, March 19, 1978 and has continued ever since.


Will be on the 7th, at 9:00 am at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, 3549 Navajo Street, Denver. The Dante Alighieri Society is once again sponsoring the breakfast in the Parish Hall following the Mass. Help will be needed before and after the Mass.


Will feature Sophie Thomas, a student of Professor Roberta Walbaum at the University of Denver, who will present her undergraduate honors thesis entitled “Through the Eyes of Innocence: Childhood Memories and Italian Historical Realities”.  Sophie will discuss how, using the perspective of a child, Italian Jewish authors document the prejudice and horrific events of fascism and the Holocaust in Italy.  Plan now to join us on April 12, and watch for details in the next Notiziario and on the Society website.


Chef Adam Giardino will be bringing some changes to his cooking classes in the future. Rather than preparing a full, three-course meal, he will be focusing on one specific aspect of Italian cuisine. Besides learning how to prepare a specific food, there will be an educational component, talking about the history, the ingredients, and their uses. The first newly formatted class will be in April so stay tuned to the Notiziario and the website for more information. Let us know what you think about this new format. Next class is scheduled for April 27.


SPRING SESSION BEGINS MARCH 25, 2024:  Registration is now open for the spring 2024 session of Italian language classes offered by the Dante Alighieri Society of Denver.  In-person language classes will be held at 3549 Navajo Street, Denver 80211 in the parish office of Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church.  Each class meets for 90 minutes, once a week for 10 weeks, beginning the week of March 25, 2024.  The class schedule is listed below, and it is also posted on the Society website.  Classes are taught by talented bilingual instructors who have significant experience teaching Italian.  Cost is $130 for members and $160 for non-members.  New students are welcome to join the Dante Alighieri Society when they register for classes.  For more information, please contact Rhonda Hopkins at


The registration deadline for the spring session is March 18, 2024.

Beginner 1.  Mondays, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, beginning March 25, 2024 through June 3, 2024 (No class on Memorial Day).  (Brunetti)  In this class students with little or no knowledge of Italian will learn to communicate in simple everyday situations. Students will study the basic building blocks of the Italian language, including the alphabet, rules of pronunciation, basic syntax, and grammatical structures. Topics include subject pronouns, definite and indefinite articles, regular verbs in the present tense, and noun-adjective agreement.  Required Text:  The New Italian Project 1a

Beginner 2.  There are two sections of this class.  One meets Mondays, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, beginning March 25, 2024 through June 3, 2024 (No class on Memorial Day) (Brunetti).  The other meets Tuesdays, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, March 26, 2024 through May 28, 2024 (Tasker). In this class students will build upon their existing knowledge while incorporating new vocabulary and grammatical structures through conversation, role plays, listening, reading and writing activities. Topics include irregular and modal verbs in the present tense, articulated prepositions, and possessive adjectives.  Required Text:  The New Italian Project 1a

Beginner 3.  Tuesdays, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, beginning March 26, 2024 through May 28, 2024. (Tasker) In this class, students will build upon their prior studies through listening, reading and writing activities. Topics include the past tense of regular, irregular and modal verbs and use of adverbs.   Emphasis will be placed on everyday conversational situations using grammar and vocabulary from the textbook.  Required Text:  The New Italian Project 1a

Beginner 4.  Wednesdays, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, beginning March 27, 2024 through May 29, 2024. (Brunetti) In this class, students will build upon their prior studies through listening, reading and writing activities. Topics include future verb tenses and learning about holidays and train travel in Italy.  Required Text: The New Italian Project 1a 

Intermediate 1.  Wednesdays, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, beginning March 27, 2024 through May 29, 2024. (Brunetti)  In this class students will build upon their prior studies through listening, reading and writing activities. Topics include past tenses of verbs and possessive pronouns. Required Text: The New Italian Project 1b

Intermediate 2 and 3 (combined).  Thursdays, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, beginning March 28, 2024 through May 30, 2024. (Brunetti) In this class students will continue to expand their studies of increasingly complex grammatical structures and vocabulary through listening activities, role plays, readings, educational videos and written assignments. Topics include direct object pronouns, indirect object pronouns, reflexive verbs, imperative verbs and the impersonal form.  Required Text: The New Italian Project 1b

Advanced.  Thursdays, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, beginning March 28, 2024 through May 30, 2024. (Brunetti) This class will be predominantly in Italian and will introduce more advanced grammar and vocabulary with related cultural topics.  Specific content will be determined by the instructor.  Students will continue to develop their speaking, listening, reading and writing abilities. Required Text: The New Italian Project 2a



We will again be awarding scholarships to university students planning to study in Italy in the coming year.  If you or a student you know might be a candidate for a scholarship, please visit us online.



May 5, 2024, is the date of our annual Awards Luncheon when we will honor the winner of this year’s Donne di Merito Award and present our 2024 Scholarships.  This event will be held at the Mt. Vernon Canyon Club Colorado, and details will be available in coming editions of the Notiziario and on the Society’s website.  Please plan now to join us for this highlight of our year’s activities.


scott montgomeryWe want to thank Scott Montgomery of the University of Denver for his informative and entertaining tour of the mosaics of Ravenna.  There is no doubt that his presentation at our February cultural night has encouraged those in attendance to add Ravenna to their itinerary for a future trip to Italy.  Scott has promised to return for another program in the fall, so watch for that date.  Again, molte grazie, Scott.


The Dante Alighieri Society of Denver gives a warm welcome to the following new members: Lois Britton, Megan Ciarico, Mary Ann Downs, Tom Mirabito, Steven Schultz, and MichelleScime.


It's that time of year again.  Membership in the Dante Alighieri Society runs from January through December so 2024 renewal cards were mailed near the end of December. Please make any corrections on the card before mailing it back with your payment. The deadline for renewal is March 31.

Thank you, Rhonda.


If you change your home address, phone number or email address, please notify Membership Chairperson Rhonda Hopkins at


If a Society event is cancelled or changed, weather or other reasons, you will be notified by email and on the website, so please check these sources if you have questions.

TIPS ON ITALY by Tonya Clement

tipsPhoto courtesy of
Francesco La Corte
In order to impress all of you wonderful and good Italians, this month’s article centers around food.  Food tends to be one of the highlights of every trip into the home of an Italian or on a vacation to Italy.  If you are like me, you find a burning desire to express to the chef of the restaurant or the nonna of the household, just how good the meal tastes.  Often I become tongue tied and simply say, perfetto!  That just does not sound sufficient enough to me.  So below are a few sentences to allow you to express your fondness for the wonderful meal.  Begin saying these daily to your friends and family and the compliments will ultimately role off your tongue. 

  • Questo pasto e’ buonissimo!  - This meal is very good.
  • Questo ragu’ e’ irresistibile!  - This bolognese is irresistibly good.
  • Questo caviale e’ una prelibatezza! – This caviar is a delicacy.
  • Il tuo pesto e’ delizioso! – Your pesto is delicious. 

When I am unable to speak directly to the chef in the kitchen, I often say, “Per favore, fai i miei complimenti al cuoco.”  That one always returns a HUGE smile. 

Discover the Dante Alighieri Society on Social Media

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our official social media outreach. Embracing the digital era, we are now actively engaging with our members and followers on both Facebook and Instagram platforms, inviting you to embark on a journey of discovery with us.


Our Facebook page serves as a vibrant hub where members and supporters can stay updated on the latest news, events, and activities happening within the Dante community. From insightful articles about Italian culture to highlights of our upcoming gatherings, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Like us on Facebook to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Italian heritage.


For those who prefer visually captivating content, our Instagram page is the perfect destination. Follow us for a visual feast, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and snippets of Italian inspiration. From mouthwatering culinary delights to snapshots of our members coming together in celebration, our Instagram feed promises to ignite your passion for all things Italian. Don't miss out on the opportunity to indulge your senses and be part of our online community.

Why Follow Us?

By following DAS on Facebook and Instagram, you'll gain access to:

  • Exciting updates about upcoming events and activities.
  • Insider perspectives on Italian culture, traditions, and lifestyle.
  • Opportunities to connect with fellow enthusiasts and forge meaningful friendships.
  • Engaging content that celebrates the essence of Italian heritage and identity.

Whether you're a lifelong aficionado of Italian culture or simply curious to learn more, our social media pages offer a welcoming space for everyone. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to embark on an enriching journey filled with laughter, learning, and shared experiences.

We can't wait to welcome you into our online community and share the beauty of Italian culture together! Grazie mille!

Did you know you can support Dante Alighieri Society every time you go King Soopers?

YES!  They have a corporate matching program that allows a percentage of your total grocery bill to be donated to the charity of your choice on a quarterly basis.  You simply need to create a digital account and link your King Soopers shopping card so that all of your purchases will be eligible for their Community Rewards Program.

To sign up on a computer, navigate to this link and follow the instructions provided -

If you would rather use your mobile phone to sign up, iPhone and Android Instructions are included below.

iPhone users:

  1. Download the King Sooper app from the Apple Store
  2. Create an account (if you don’t already have one) OR sign into your account if you already have one
  3. Link your King Sooper savings card to your online account (if not already linked)
    1. Click on 3 lines in upper right-hand corner>scroll down to Sooper Card>add card
  4. Navigate back to Home Screen in app
  5. Click on the 3 lines in the upper right-hand corner and navigate to “Rewards”
  6. Rewards>Community Rewards>Enroll
  7. Follow prompts – search for the “Dante Alighieri Society of Denver” add and enroll
  8. Use King Soopers card for every purchase
  9. Each quarter, Dante Alighieri of Denver will receive a check based on sales

Android users:

  1. Download the King Sooper app from the Play Store
  2. Sign in to your King Soopers account (or create a new account)
  3. Link your King Sooper savings card to your online account (if not already linked)
    1. Click the three lines in the top left of the application
    2. Scroll down to “Sooper Card”
    3. Select “Add Card”
  4. Navigate back to the app home screen (Click the Left Arrow)
  5. Click the three lines in the top left of the app
  6. Click on “Rewards”
  7. Click on “Community Rewards”
  8. Click “Search for Organization”
  9. Type Dante and select the magnifying glass to search
  10. Next to “Dante Alighieri Society of Denver” Click “Enroll”
  11. Use your King Soopers card for every purchase

Each quarter, Dante Alighieri Society of Denver will receive a check based on our combined shopping volume.

If you would like assistance with this process, see Anissa Madrill or James Jackson at the next meeting and we’ll be happy to assist you.


Hospitality Chairperson Camilla Marcantonio would like to thank the members who have provided refreshments for the cultural meetings.  If you would like to contribute to our gatherings in this way, please EMAIL CAMILLA.






Cultural program – Alisa DiGiacomo
IABA Bravo Awards
Celebration of St. Joseph’s table
Spring classes begin

Prima Domenica
Cultural program – Sophie Thomas
Culinary experience – Adam Giardino

Spring Awards luncheon

Cultural program -- Betsy Schwarm



March 3th - Prima Domenica - Italians of America Sponsor
March 8th - Dante Cultural meeting, Reconstructing Lives: A simplified Approach to Recording Family History
Alisa DiGiacomo, Senior Curator Emeritus, History Colorado will be offering an introduction to basic genealogy research methods and how to piece together a life story from family heirlooms and what you discover in the exploration of your family history. 7:30 PM Mt Carmel Parish Hall.
March 9th - Potenza Spaghetti Dinner
March 9th - IABA Bravo Awards, voting is OPEN!
March 13th - Pietra’s, dual citizenship presentation
March 16th - St. Patrick’s Day Parade - Sons & Daughters, All clubs are welcome to join!
March 16th - St. Joseph’s Table Dinner, OLMC 3 to 6 (2 seatings)
March 23rd - Spaghetti Dinner, Sons & Daughters of Italy 


April 6th - Prima Domenica, Dante Alighieri Society
April 12th - Dante Alighieri Society Cultural Program.  “Through the Eyes of Innocence: Childhood Memories and Italian Historical Realities” Three female Italian Jewish authors documented the horror of Fascism and the Holocaust in Italy. Citing these writings, Sophie Thomas, a DU undergraduate student, presents the compelling case that prejudice is not innate, but learned.
April 20th - OLMC All School Reunion & Friends
April 27th - IOA Rodders’ Ball, held at the Sons & Daughters of Italy Lodge
April 27th Dante Alighieri Society Culinary Experience: The History of the Tomato and How the Italians Use It.

The Dante Alighieri Society of Denver strives to share and celebrate
the richness of the Italian culture and language with the entire community.