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January 2024



Buon Anno! This is the time of year when people reflect on what they’ve accomplished over the past twelve months and envision what they would like to accomplish over the next twelve. Your Dante Alighieri Society is no different. We are proud of what we brought to our members in 2023 but are already thinking and planning what we can do to make the Society even more interesting, engaging and fun in 2024, for members and potential members alike. I continue to ask not only for your support but also for your thoughts, good and bad. Together, that’s the best way to fulfill our mission, “to share and celebrate the richness of the Italian culture and language with the entire community”.

Grazie e tutto il meglio per il nuovo anno! John Giardino


On Friday, January 12, 7:30 p.m., we will show “Pranzo di Ferragosto” (Mid-August Lunch) in Italian with English subtitles; this film stars Gianni DiGregorio in a charming tale of great food, feisty ladies and unlikely friendships during a very Roman holiday. Refreshments and social hour will follow.  Join us for a bit of summer warmth in mid-winter.

Refreshments and social hour will follow

LOCATION:  Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church Parish Hall.
ADDRESS:  3549 Navajo Street, Denver.


Chef Adam Giardino will be bringing some changes to his cooking classes in the future. Rather than preparing a full, three-course meal, he will be focusing on one specific aspect of Italian cuisine. Besides learning how to prepare a specific food, there will be an educational component, talking about the history, the ingredients, and their uses. The first newly formatted class will be in April so stay tuned to the Notiziario and the website for more information. Let us know what you think about this new format.


It's that time of year again.  Membership in the Dante Alighieri Society runs from January through December so 2024 renewal cards will be mailed near the end of December. Please make any corrections on the card before mailing it back with your payment. Language students:  You can renew and pay for your 2024 membership online when you register for the January classes. Thank you, Rhonda







Registration is now open for the winter 2024 session of Italian language classes offered by the Dante Alighieri Society of Denver.   In-person language classes will be held at 3549 Navajo Street, Denver 80211 in the parish office of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church.  Each class meets for 90 minutes, once a week, for 10 weeks, beginning the week of January 8, 2024.  The class schedule is listed below, and it is also posted on the Society website.  Classes are taught by talented bilingual instructors who have significant experience teaching Italian.  Cost is $115 for members and $145 for non-members.  New members are welcome to join the Dante Alighieri Society when they register for classes.


The registration deadline for the winter session is January 1, 2024

Beginner 1.  There are two sessions of this class.  One meets Mondays, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, beginning January 8, 2024 through March 11, 2024 (Brunetti).  The other meets Tuesdays, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm beginning January 9, 2024 through March 12, 2024 (Brunetti). In this class students with little or no knowledge of Italian will learn to communicate in simple everyday situations. Students will study the basic building blocks of the Italian language, including the alphabet, rules of pronunciation, basic syntax, and grammatical structures. Topics include subject pronouns, definite and indefinite articles, regular verbs in the present tense, and noun-adjective agreement.  Required Text: The New Italian Project 1a

Beginner 2.  There are two sessions of this class.  One meets Wednesdays, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, beginning January 10, 2024 through March 13, 2024 (Brunetti).  The other meets Thursdays, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, beginning January11, 2024 through March 14, 2024 (Tasker).  In this class students will build upon their existing knowledge while incorporating new vocabulary and grammatical structures through conversation, role plays, listening, reading and writing activities. Topics include irregular and modal verbs in the present tense, articulated prepositions, and possessive adjectives.  Required Text: The New Italian Project 1a

Beginner 3.  Thursdays, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, beginning January 11, 2024 through March 14, 2024 (Tasker).  In this class, students will build upon their prior studies through listening, reading and writing activities. Topics include the past tense of regular, irregular and modal verbs and use of adverbs.  Emphasis will be placed on everyday conversational situations using grammar and vocabulary from the textbook.  Required Text:  The New Italian Project 1a  

Beginner 4.  Wednesdays, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, beginning January 10, 2024 through March 13, 2024 (Brunetti).  In this class, students will build upon their prior studies through listening, reading and writing activities. Topics include future verb tenses and learning about holidays and train travel in Italy.  Required Text: The New Italian Project 1a

Intermediate 1.  Mondays, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, beginning January 8, 2024 through March 11, 2024 (Brunetti).  In this class, students will build upon their prior studies through listening, reading and writing activities.  Topics include past tenses of verbs and possessive pronouns.  Required Text: The New Italian Project 1b

Intermediate 2.  Thursdays, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, beginning January 11, 2024 through March 14, 2024 (Brunetti).  In this class students will continue to expand their studies of increasingly complex grammatical structures and vocabulary through listening activities, role plays, readings, and videos. Topics include direct object pronouns, reflexive verbs and the impersonal form.   Required Text: The New Italian Project 1b

Advanced.  Thursdays, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, beginning January 11, 2024 through March 14, 2024 (Brunetti).  This class will be predominantly in Italian and will introduce more advanced grammar and vocabulary with related cultural topics.  Specific content will be determined by the instructor.  Students will continue to develop their speaking, listening, reading and writing abilities. Required Text: The New Italian Project 2a


We will again be awarding scholarships to university students planning to study in Italy in the coming year.  If you or a student you know might be a candidate for a scholarship, we would welcome your aplication.



Thanks to Rhonda, Pamela, Camilla, Margaret, John and Gianfranco, the annual celebration at the North Park East Association Clubhouse was truly memorable. The large crowd enjoyed plenty of good food, drinks and comradery. The white elephant exchange and the tombola made it a fun event. Bartender Tom Treolar added a touch of elegance to the event. Grazie a tutti.


We wish all our members born in the month of January a very Happy Birthday.


The Dante Alighieri Society of Denver gives a warm welcome to the following new members: Lisa Analetto, Jennifer and Bailey Angliss, Mark Burton, Cary Buzzelli, Brilynn Cahill, Hannah Galgiani, Evelyn Goebel, Kevin Greany, Janice Lilly, Mary Marvelli, Sean McCarthy, Gregg McLeod, Catherine and Morgan Miller, Emily Pirritano, Kim Ribbens, Tiffany Sharp, Eric and Vanessa Stein, Heather Tune, and Cynthia Vitale.


Hospitality Chairperson Camilla Marcantonio would like to thank the members who have provided refreshments for the cultural meetings. If you would like to contribute to our gatherings in this way, please contact Camilla at the following: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

TIPS ON ITALY: by Tonya Clement - Felice Anno Nuovo

tipsPhoto Credit
Monika Grabkowska
It is time to bring in the new year and that left me wondering how Italians celebrate this special day. It seems their traditions are very similar to ours in the US. Friends and family will gather on New Year’s Eve to enjoy a special food and drink while staying up late to countdown the seconds to bring in the new year. Often there will be a toast with a special glass of Spumante. New Year’s day often includes a family gathering around a special meal. Instead of the US custom of eating black eye peas on New Year’s Day, Italians will eat lentils. It is said the lentil look like little coins and are a symbol of wealth and good fortune. The one unique tradition that I was able to dig up that is still practiced by some is the wearing of red underwear or panties….some say this ensures good luck in general and others say this ensures good luck in love. What have we got to lose… let’s all don the red panties this New Year’s Day.


Q) What region in Italy were your ancestors from? If you do not have Italian ancestors, what is the ethnic background of your family? Have you ever been there and what was your experience?

I have no Italian ancestors that I am aware of. My family came from France, England, Ireland, and Scotland. My surname Lovett had an “E” added to it in 1896. Originally, it was Lovat or Lovit and came from the northern part of the British Isles many centuries ago. Other family surnames were obviously British: Woolsey, McSpadden, Williamson, and Cox. They all eventually settled in east Tennessee.

Q) When did your ancestors arrive in America, and where did they settle originally? Did they come right to Colorado?

My French ancestors came to Egg Harbor, NJ before the Revolutionary War. I have no records concerning my British ancestor’s arrival in this country other than they arrived before the Revolutionary War.

mike lovetteQ) If you had to describe yourself in one word, what word would that be, and why.

These days it would be “aged”.

Q) Who was most influential to you growing up, and why?

There was no one person that I can identify. Obviously, my parents had a great influence on me. I was fortunate to have good teachers, relatives, and friends who kept me out of jail.

Q) Tell us a little about you, employment, family, interests and so on.

I am an Electrical Engineer and worked my entire career in the railroad industry. I was employed by several large railroads as well as the Association of American Railroads. I completed my career as a consultant for several different railroad suppliers. Joanne and I have always enjoyed the out-of-doors. Hiking and sailing have occupied a large part of our lives.

Q) How would you most like to be remembered?

I have never given much thought about how I want to be remembered. Hopefully, the “rememberer” will have a smile on their face.

Q) What attracted you about joining the Dante Alighieri Society?

I was attracted to the Dante Alighieri Society by the specter of divorce from my wonderful wife Joanne Valvano, who is of Italian origin. The DAS has been a most pleasant experience, having made many wonderful friends there.


Italy is the top destination for American students choosing to study abroad.

International Education Week coincides with the release of the Open Doors report on international student mobility. There is great news: Italy is the top destination for American students choosing to study abroad! The number of Italians studying in the U.S. is also growing steadily and has seen a 10 percent increase over the previous year.  (We The Italians)

Milan, CityLife is the first in the world to achieve three Platinum certifications.

Milan's CityLife neighborhood is the first urban area in the world to achieve Platinum level in three international sustainability certifications awarded by independent bodies: the "oscar" of sustainability in urban planning.  (We The Italians)

Jannik Sinner seals Italy's first triumph since 1976 as Australia comes up short again.

Italy ended a 47-year drought as they defeated Australia 2-0 in the final of the Davis Cup in Malaga on Sunday (26 November). Jannik Sinner, so instrumental to his nation's campaign in Spain, defeated Alex de Minaur 6-3, 6-0 to earn the Azzurri a second men's team tennis world crown.  (We The Italians)

France and Italy team up to build Moon habitat.

France and Italy are teaming up to build a habitat for future moon bases with Franco-Italian technology company Thales Alenia Space and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signing a contract to develop the Multi-Purpose Habitat (MPH) for NASA's Artemis project.  (Italia Mia)

Italy Ranks No. 1 in Cultural Influence in the World: US News and World Report.

What is the best country in the world? This is a difficult question to answer, yet studies and surveys try to do that all the time. One of the most influential is U.S. News and World Report. What factors should we consider?  The culture. The food. The people. The crazy, unforgettable adventure you had? Maybe all these.  (We The Italians)

Italian food goes to space.

Barilla and Rana, two iconic Italian food brands are ready to join astronauts on their next space voyage. “We are poised to elevate Italian gastronomy into the cosmos, as it encapsulates the rich tapestry of the past, tradition, and unwavering quality.” This assertion stems from the Italian Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, unveiling the Italian Space Food Project.’  (We The Italians)



January 12 -  Night at the movies

February 9 – The Celebrated Mosaics of Ravenna


Winter session begins January 8

The Dante Alighieri Society of Denver strives to share and celebrate
the richness of the Italian culture and language with the entire community.