During Women’s History Month in March, there were two festive occasions for Mother Cabrini’s induction into the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame upon her nomination by the Dante Alighieri Society of Denver. On March 14, Board Members of the Society attended a VIP reception hosted by the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame. At a fabulous Gala on March 15 attended by more than 830 people, Board Member Suzanne Fasing accepted the award given to Mother Cabrini. Board President John Giardino and representatives from the Cabrini Shrine in Golden joined in the celebration. Mother Cabrini, who was an immigrant from Italy, worked tirelessly as a missionary nun for 28 years to assist immigrants, children, and the poor in Colorado, throughout the United States. and in many other countries, establishing 67 schools, orphanages, hospitals and social service agencies. Mother Cabrini’s recognition by the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame spreads her legacy to a wider audience.