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‍May 2024



Love all things Italian? Have new, innovative ideas?
Enjoy decision making? Comfortable working with others?
Have we got a job for you! No experience necessary, we train!
Apply Today!!

Seriously, I’m serious! The Dante Alighieri Society of Denver has been around since 1985 and we plan to be here far into the future. Times have changed and we’re working to change with them. Not only do times change, but leadership changes as well. In the past we’ve had to seek out people to fill the ranks of the board of directors. But I’m hoping that, with the new tack on which the Society is embarking, interested and excited people like you will come forward, wanting to be an important part of our unique, and growing organization. I’d be happy to visit with anyone who is interested or has questions about the “job”. I can always be reached via the DAS website.

Grazie, John Giardino 

Viva VERDI: FRIDAY, JUNE 14 - 7:00 pm

The Risorgimento and the Composer

Program by Betsy Schwarm, noted classical music historian.

Giuseppe Verdi was Italy’s superstar composer of the 19th century.  The Risorgimento was Italy’s decades-long drive toward independence and unity.  What would bring together great music and revolutionary determination?  Classical music historian Betsy Schwarm explores the subject.  She’ll start with an encapsuled view of the Risorgimento and its major figures, then consider the operatic master’s involvement in the effort.  What were Verdi’s own views?  How did his music express those ideas?  Why did the Italian people come to regard him as a musical spokesman?  Betsy will bring the issue to life with a generous supply of music and videos.

LOCATION: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church Parish Hall
ADDRESS: 3549 Navajo St, Denver, CO 80211

Refreshments and social time will follow.
(Please note earlier start time.)


The Dante Alighieri Society is in the midst of offering the 10-week spring session of Italian language classes.  The summer session of classes will begin on June 17, and registration begins May 13. All classes are in-person and are taught in the Parish Office of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church at 3549 Navajo Street, Denver 80211.  Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels will be offered, and the class schedule and registration will be available on the website in mid-May. Classes are taught by bilingual instructors who have significant experience teaching Italian.  New students are welcome to join the Dante Alighieri Society when they register for classes.

COST: $130 for members, $160 for non-members
LOCATION: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church Parish Hall
ADDRESS: 3549 Navajo St, Denver, CO 80211



Please join us for an exquisite celebration of excellence at the annual Awards Luncheon where we will be presenting the 2024 Donne di Merito Award and scholarships to deserving college students who plan to study in Italy. This highly-anticipated annual event will take place on May 5, 2024, at the Mount Vernon Canyon Club Colorado and will feature a plated luncheon followed by the awards presentation. This event is a hallmark of our annual calendar and embodies the goals and mission we strive to promote in our community. We look forward to welcoming you to this exceptional occasion.



non e veroSaturday, April 27th at 7:30 pm.
Sunday, April 28th at 4:00 pm.

Both will be on the CU Boulder Campus in Humanities 1B50


The Society would like to thank Sophie Thomas for her informative presentation on Italian Jewish authors at the April cultural meeting.  We are pleased to know that young scholars continue to pursue the study of Italian language and literature.  Brava, Sophie!  We also thank Denver University Professor Roberta Waldbaum for bringing us this presentation.

TIPS ON ITALY by Tonya Clement

Every now and then when I am trying to listen to someone who is speaking Italian, I hear a new word and it often causes me to lose track of my understanding of the entire sentence being said.  So when I find these words, I make a point to learn them and practice using them in sentences until they become second nature.  So in this tip I am bringing you the adverb peraltro.  We can have some fun with this word.  For example if I said I received a ticket to the movie theater and peraltro it is free.  I am saying, “ I got a ticket and what’s more it is free.”  It is lovely sounding word used to add emphasis.

Let’s break it down “per” means “for” and “altro” means “other” so you are essentially conveying something more, something else, or beyond.  When I use google translates, it says it means…moreover.

It can also be used to make a contrasting statement.  For example, I could say I hired a new employee to do our shipping and peraltro, she can also do sales.  In a sense I am saying, I hired an employee to do our shipping and furthermore, she can do sales.


May 2024

May 4th: Trentini Bocce Tournament, Location Sons & Daughters of Italy
May 5th: Prima Domenica sponsored by Altar & Rosary
May 5th: Dante Alighieri Society Annual Awards Luncheon Recognition of the Donne di Merito winner and awarding of college scholarships. Mt Vernon Canyon Club.12:00PM-3:00PM

‍The Dante Alighieri Society of Denver exists to share and celebrate
the richness of the Italian culture and language with the entire community.