January 2025
Buon Anno! May the New Year bring forth our strength and
goodness to create a more loving and peaceful world.
Last month, my message reflected on the events and achievements within the Dante Alighieri Society over the past year. As I begin my fourth two-year term as president, I’m looking forward to our 2025 plans. Early next year, the Board will devote time to review and adjust our vision for where we want the Society to be in the future. With that vision in mind, we’ll direct new and enhanced efforts toward our new goals. You may notice some changes in how we operate, but rest assured! You, our members, are the primary inspiration for everything we do to advance the Society's mission.
Speaking of change, things have changed at our “mother ship”, the Dante Alighieri Society in Rome. Technically, the Società Dante Alighieri still exists but now has developed a new public persona, Dante Global. You’ll find more information about this change and what it means to our organization in this issue of the Notiziario.
As always, I’m available for questions, recommendations, complaints, etc. I hope to hear from you in the coming year.
Grazie, John Giardino